-" Yanti: The longest proper word in the English language?!
- iab Yanti antidisestablishmentarianism
-" Ypass : Standard answer to Usenet posts
-" with the "Subject: HELP" (hehe)
- iab Ypass "You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike."
-" Ysesqui : "Sesquipedalophobia" means "fear of big words." ;-)
- iab Ysesqui sesquipedalophobia
-" classic pangrams (which include every letter of the alphabet):
-" German:
-" sylvia wagt quick den jux bei pforzheim
-" bayerische jagdwitze von maxl querkopf
-" zwei boxkaempfer jagen eva quer durch sylt
-" kaufen sie jede woche vier gute bequeme pelze
-" falsches üben von xylophonmusik quält jeden größeren zwerg.
-" Bei jedem klugen Wort von Sokrates rief Xanthippe zynisch: Quatsch!
-" English:
-" the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
-" French:
-" voyez le brick geant que j'examine pres du wharf.
-" And a sentence to break some quoing levels:
-" "This man's house (which 's yellow) burned down."
-" And now for something completely different:
-" I couldn't bear to bear bears over the border.
-" Inserting an ellipsis to indicate deleted text
- iab Yell [...]
- vmap ,ell c[...]<ESC>
-" Correcting those typos. [I almost never get these right. :-(]
-" See also: http://www.igd.fhg.de/~zach/programs/acl/
- iab alos also
- iab aslo also
- iab charcter character
- iab charcters characters
- iab exmaple example
- iab shoudl should
- iab seperate separate
- iab teh the
-" Some frequent typos in German:
- iab nciht nicht
- iab doer oder
- iab Dreckfuhler Druckfehler
-" Sorry, Laurent!
- iab Laurant Laurent
-" See http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/sig/:
- iab YDDS dash-dash-space
-" For reports and texts on my studies:
- iab YKT Komplexitaetstheorie
- iab YRA Rechnerarchitektur
- iab YPM Pattern Matching
-" see http://elib.zib.de/ICM98 :
- iab YICM International Congress of Mathematicians
-" Some sentences that I really use often in emails about Vim:
- iab YAW You are welcome! :-)
- iab YEV Enjoy Vim!
-" Often used filenames - only needed these on the command line:
-" see also: http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/setup/
- cab ELMALIAS ~/.elm/aliases.text
- cab Erc ~/.elm/elmrc
- cab Mrc ~/.muttrc
- cab Src ~/.slrnrc
- cab Zrc ~/.zsh/.zshrc
- cab SIGs ~/.P/sig/SIGS
-" A list of filenames that are needed to shorten some autocommands:
-" cab MAILNEWSFILES .article,.followup,.letter,mutt*[0-9],/postpone/*
-" cab MAILNEWSFILES *.article,*.followup,*.letter,*mutt*
-let MAILNEWSFILES = "*.article,*.followup,*.letter,mutt*"
-" see also: http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/sig/SIGS
-" Email Adresses:
-" I usually use these when adding addresses to the header
-" of emails (mutt) and posts (slrn).
-" Author of the Good NetKeeping Seal of Approval:
-" Author of Mutt:
-" Author of Slrn:
-" Author of Vim:
-" Former Maintainer of the Vim FAQ:
-" Mailing Lists (MLs)
-" The Vim mailing lists: See http://www.vim.org/mail.html for more info!
-" More mailing lists:
-" News: newsgroup names
-" Newsgroup about "warloding" of signatures - see
-" also http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/afw/
- iab Nafw alt.fan.warlord
- iab Nahbou alt.humor.best-of-usenet
- iab Nzedat bln.announce.fub.zedat.d
- iab Ncsd bln.announce.fub.cs.d
- iab Nce comp.editors
-" Newsgroup about "lynx":
- iab Nhtml comp.infosystems.www.authoring.html
-" Newsgroup about "elm": Elm is dead - long live Mutt!
- iab Nelm comp.mail.elm
-" Newsgroup about "pine": When will they release pine-4?
-" iab Ncmp comp.mail.pine
- iab Npine comp.mail.pine
-" iab Ncsmd comp.sys.mac.digest
-" Newsgroup about "mobil phone systems":
- iab Ndcm de.comm.mobil
- iab Nmobil de.comm.mobil
-" Newsgroup about "web browsers":
- iab Nlynx comp.infosystems.www.browsers.misc
- iab Nnetscape comp.infosystems.www.browsers.misc
-" Newsgroup about "mutt" [since 980401]: The coolest mail user agent
- iab Nmutt comp.mail.mutt
-" Newsgroup about "nn": Once was the best newsreader. Still good.
- iab Nnn news.software.nn
-" Newsgroup for "newbies".
-" All you ever wanted to know - but were afraid to ask. ;-)
- iab Newbie news.newusers.questions
-" Newsgroup about "newsreader *agents*" (netscape and slrn):
- iab Nnsr news.software.readers
-" Usenet header lines (used when composing a post):
- iab UFT Followup-To:
- iab UMCT Mail-Copies-To: MYADDR
- iab UNG Newsgroups:
- iab URT Reply-To: MYADDR
- iab UFUB Organization: Freie Universitaet Berlin
-" Current version numbers of my favourite programs:
-" http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/sig/SIGS
-" And some abbreviations to type them in mail&news:
- iab Velm ELM2.4PL25 [951204]
- iab VElm ELM2.5b2 [980213]
- iab Vlynx lynx-2.8.0 [980310
- iab Vmutt mutt-0.92.8 [980514]
- iab Vslrn slrn- [980503]
- iab Vvim vim-5.1 [980407]
- iab Vvimdev vim-5.2c [980518]
-" For current version numbers take a look at my signature file:
-" http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/sig/SIGS
-" My snail mail address, phone numbers, and email->pager gateway:
-" Postcards and FAXes are welcome (especially with cartoons :-).
-" If you want, you can send a message to my pager by email, too.
- iab Yphone TEL/FAX (+49 30) 8838884<C-M>Cellphone (+49 177) 7777796
- iab Ysnail Sven Guckes<C-M>Pariser Str. 52<C-M>D-10719 Berlin
-" My addresses (Email and WWW)
-" makes it easy to type them without typos ;-)
- ab MYNAME Sven Guckes
-" Setting the reply address when replying as the guy from SKB:
-" See also: http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/skb/
-" My Home Pages at the departments at the FUB
- ab WWWm http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/
- ab WWWi http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/
- ab WWWz http://userpage.zedat.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/
-" WWW Pages base URLs
- ab HPA http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/afw/
- ab HPa http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/ascii/
- ab HPc http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/calvin/
- ab HPD http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/dos/
- ab HPe http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/eplus/ab.faq.html
- ab HPE http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/elm/
- ab HPI http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/irc/
- ab HPi http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/ispell/
- ab HPL http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/lynx/
- ab HPl http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/less/
- ab HPm http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/mail/
- ab HPM http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/mutt/
- ab HPN http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/nn/
- ab HPP http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/pine/
- ab HPp http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/procmail/
- ab HPr http://babayaga.math.fu-berlin.de/~rxvt/
- ab HPR http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/rfc/
- ab HPs http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/screen/
- ab HPS http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/slrn/
- ab HPv http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/vi/
-" HPOV - the "original" URL of the Vim Home Page!
- ab HPOV http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/vim/
- ab HPV http://www.vim.org/
- ab HPX http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/xmas/
- ab HPZ http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/zsh/
-" Other important WWW addresses
- ab URLutefuchs http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~utefuchs/
- ab URLaltavista http://altavista.digital.com/
- ab URLftpsearch http://ftpsearch.ntnu.no/ftpsearch/
- ab URLvimfaq http://www.grafnetix.com/~laurent/vim/faq.html
- ab URLbambi http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~leitner/CnH/bambi.html
- ab URLsecret http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~leitner/CnH/secret.html
- ab URLwhome http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~leitner/CnH/who.me.html
- ab URLstopspam http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/pics/stop.this.spam.jpg
- ab FTPFUB ftp://ftp.fu-berlin.de/
- ab FTPVIM ftp://ftp.fu-berlin.de/pub/misc/editors/vim/
-" ===================================================================
-" Abbreviations - Header Lines for Email and News
-" ===================================================================
-" Define regexpr for headers to use with mappings
-" as it makes reading the mappings much easier:
-" cab HADDR From\\|Cc\\|To
- cab HEMAIL ^\(From\\|Cc\\|To\\|Date\\|Subject\\|Message-ID\\|Message-Id\\|X-\)
- cab HNEWS ^\(From\\|Cc\\|To\\|Date\\|Subject\\|Message-ID\\|X-\\|Newsgroups\)
-" ===================================================================
-" Abbreviations - General Editing - Inserting Dates and Times
-" ===================================================================
-" First, some command to add date stamps (with and without time).
-" I use these manually after a substantial change to a webpage.
-" [These abbreviations are used with the mapping for ",L".]
- iab Ydate <C-R>=strftime("%y%m%d")<CR>
-" Example: 971027
- iab Ytime <C-R>=strftime("%H:%M")<CR>
-" Example: 14:28
- iab YDT <C-R>=strftime("%y%m%d %T")<CR>
-" Example: 971027 12:00:00
- iab YDATE <C-R>=strftime("%a %b %d %T %Z %Y")<CR>
-" Example: Tue Dec 16 12:07:00 CET 1997
-" On Windows the functions "strftime" seems to have a different
-" format. Therefore the following may be necessary: [980730]
-" if !has("unix")
-" iab YDATE <C-R>=strftime("%c %a")<CR>
-" else
-" iab YDATE <C-R>=strftime("%D %T %a")<CR>
-" endif
-" ===================================================================
-" MAPpings
-" ===================================================================
-" Caveat: Mapping must be "prefix free", ie no mapping must be the
-" prefix of any other mapping. Example: "map ,abc foo" and
-" "map ,abcd bar" will give you the error message "Ambigous mapping".
-" The backslash ('\') is the only(?) unmapped key, so this is the best
-" key to start mappings with as this does not take away a command key.
-" However, the backslash is never in the same position with keyboards.
-" Eg on German keyboards it is AltGr-sz - don't ask.
-" Anyway, I have decided to start mappings with the comma as this
-" character is always on the same position on almost all keyboards
-" and I hardly have a need for that command.
-" The following maps get rid of some basic problems:
-" With Vim-4 the format command was just 'Q' and
-" I am too used to it. So I need this back!
- nnoremap Q gq
- vnoremap Q gq
-" 980527 I often reformat a paragraph to fit some textwidth -
-" and I use the following mapping to adjust it to the
-" current position of the cursor:
- map #tw :set textwidth=<C-R>=col(".")<C-M>
-" 981210 Whenever I paste some text into VIM I have to
-" toggle from "nopaste" to "paste" and back again:
-" map <f4> :set paste!<c-m>:set paste?<c-m>
- map <esc>[14~ :set paste!<c-m>:set paste?<c-m>
-" "tal" is the "trailer alignment" filter program
-" Hopefully it will ship with Vim one day.
-" vmap #t !tal<CR>
-" vmap #t !tal -p 0<CR>
-" Disable the command 'K' (keyword lookup) by mapping it
-" to an "empty command". (thanks, Lawrence! :-):
-" map K :<CR>
- map K :<BS>
-" Disable the suspend for ^Z.
-" I use Vim under "screen" where a suspend would lose the
-" connection to the " terminal - which is what I want to avoid.
- map <C-Z> :shell
-" Make CTRL-^ rebound to the *column* in the previous file
- noremap <C-^> <C-^>`"
-" Make "gf" rebound to last cursor position (line *and* column)
- noremap gf gf`"
-" When I let Vim write the current buffer I frequently mistype the
-" command ":w" as ":W" - so I have to remap it to correct this typo:
- nmap :W :w
-" Are you used to the Unix commands "alias" and "which"?
-" I sometimes use these to look up my abbreviations and mappings.
-" So I need them available on the command line:
- map :alias map
- map :which map
-" The command {number}CTRL-G show the current nuffer number, too.
-" This is yet another feature that vi does not have.
-" As I always want to see the buffer number I map it to CTRL-G.
-" Pleae note that here we need to prevent a loop in the mapping by
-" using the comamnd "noremap"!
- noremap <C-G> 2<C-G>
-" 980311 Sourcing syntax files
-" My personal syntax files are in ~/.P/vim/syntax/
-" and I need a quick way to edit and source them.
- map ,SO :so ~/.P/vim/syntax/
-" 980706 Sourcing syntax files from the distribution
-" A nice and fast way to both source syntax files
-" and to take a look at "what's there":
- map ,V :so $VIM/syntax/
-" ===================================================================
-" Customizing the command line
-" ===================================================================
-" Valid names for keys are: <Up> <Down> <Left> <Right> <Home> <End>
-" <S-Left> <S-Right> <S-Up> <PageUp> <S-Down> <PageDown> <LeftMouse>
-" Many shells allow editing in "Emacs Style".
-" Although I love Vi, I am quite used to this kind of editing now.
-" So here it is - command line editing commands in emacs style:
- cnoremap <C-A> <Home>
- cnoremap <C-F> <Right>
- cnoremap <C-B> <Left>
-" cnoremap <C-E> <End>
- cnoremap <ESC>b <S-Left>
- cnoremap <ESC>f <S-Right>
- cnoremap <ESC><C-H> <C-W>
-" Additional codes for that "English" keyboard at the Xterminal
- cnoremap <ESC>[D <S-Left>
- cnoremap <ESC>[C <S-Right>
-" Some editing is helpful in insert mode, too:
- inoremap <C-F> <Right>
- inoremap <C-B> <Left>
-" Make the up and down movements move by "display/screen lines":
-" map j gj
-" map <Down> gj
-" map k gk
-" map <Up> gk
-" ===================================================================
-" VIM - Editing and updating the vimrc:
-" As I often make changes to this file I use these commands
-" to start editing it and also update it:
- if has("unix")
- let vimrc='~/.vimrc'
- else
-" ie: if has("dos16") || has("dos32") || has("win32")
- let vimrc='$VIM\_vimrc'
- endif
- nn ,u :source <C-R>=vimrc<CR><CR>
- nn ,v :edit <C-R>=vimrc<CR><CR>
-" ,v = vimrc editing (edit this file)
-" map ,v :e ~/.vimrc<CR>
-" ,u = "update" by reading this file
-" map ,u :source ~/.vimrc<CR>
-" ===================================================================
-" General Editing
-" Define "del" char to be the same backspace (saves a LOT of trouble!)
-" As the angle notation cannot be use with the LeftHandSide
-" with mappings you must type this in *literally*!
- map <C-V>127 <C-H>
- cmap <C-V>127 <C-H>
-" the same for Linux Debian which uses
- imap <Esc>[3~ <C-H>
- imap \7f <C-H>
-" ;rcm = remove "control-m"s - for those mails sent from DOS:
- cmap ;rcm %s/<C-M>//g
-" Make whitespace visible:
-" Sws = show whitespace
- nmap ,Sws :%s/ /_/g<C-M>
- vmap ,Sws :%s/ /_/g<C-M>
-" Sometimes you just want to *see* that trailing whitespace:
-" Stws = show trailing whitespace
- nmap ,Stws :%s/ *$/_/g<C-M>
- vmap ,Stws :%s/ *$/_/g<C-M>
-" General Editing - Turning umlauts into ascii (for German keyboards)
-" imap ä ae
-" imap ö oe
-" imap ü ue
-" imap ß ss
-" Ä -> Ä :%s/\Ä/Ä/gc -> D
-" Ö -> Ö :%s/\Ö/Ö/gc -> V
-" Ü -> Ü :%s/\Ü/Ü/gc -> \
-" ä -> ä :%s/\ä/ä/gc -> d
-" ö -> ö :%s/\ö/ö/gc -> v
-" ü -> ü :%s/\ü/ü/gc -> |
-" ===================================================================
-" Inserting Dates and Times / Updating Date+Time Stamps
-" ===================================================================
-" ,L = "Last updated" - replace old time stamp with a new one
-" preserving whitespace and using internal "strftime" command:
-" requires the abbreviation "YDATE"
- map ,L 1G/Last update:\s*/e+1<CR>CYDATE<ESC>
- map ,,L 1G/Last change:\s*/e+1<CR>CYDATE<ESC>
-" Example:
-" before: "Last update: Thu Apr 6 12:07:00 CET 1967"
-" after: "Last update: Tue Dec 16 12:07:00 CET 1997"
-" ,L = "Last updated" - replace old time stamp with a new one
-" using external "date" command (not good for all systems):
-" map ,L 1G/Last update: */e+1<CR>D:r!date<CR>kJ
-" ===================================================================
-" General Editing - link to program "screen"
-" ===================================================================
-" ,Et = edit temporary file of "screen" program
- map ,Et :e /tmp/screen-exchange
-" as a user of Unix systems you *must* have this program!
-" see also: http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/screen/
-" Email/News - Editing replies/followups
-" Part 1 - prepare for editing
-" Part 2 - getting rid of empty (quoted) lines and space runs.
-" ,cel = "clear empty lines"
-" - delete the *contents* of all lines which contain only whitespace.
-" note: this does not delete lines!
-" map ,cel :g/^[<C-I> ]*$/d
- map ,cel :%s/^\s\+$//
-" ,del = "delete 'empty' lines"
-" - delete all lines which contain only whitespace
-" note: this does *not* delete empty lines!
- map ,del :g/^\s\+$/d
-" ,cqel = "clear quoted empty lines"
-" Clears (makes empty) all lines which start with '>'
-" and any amount of following spaces.
-" nmap ,cqel :%s/^[> ]*$//
-" vmap ,cqel :s/^[> ]*$//
-" nmap ,cqel :%s/^[><C-I> ]\+$//
-" vmap ,cqel :s/^[><C-I> ]\+$//
- nmap ,cqel :%s/^[>]\+$//
- vmap ,cqel :s/^[><C-I> ]\+$//
-" NOTE: If the meta sequence "\s"
-" The following do not work as "\s" is not a character
-" and thus cannot be part of a "character set".
-" map ,cqel :g/^[>\s]\+$/d
-" Some people have strange habits within their writing.
-" But if you cannot educate them - rewrite their text! ;-)
-" does uses ".." or "..." rather than the usual punctuation
-" (comma, semicolon, colon, full stop). So...
-" Turning dot runs with following spaces into an end-of-sentence,
-" ie dot-space-space:
- vmap ,dot :s/\.\+ \+/. /g
-" own text in replies with TAB or spaces.
-" Here's how to get rid of these indentation:
- vmap ,gary :s/^>[ <C-I>]\+\([^>]\)/> \1/
-" ,ksr = "kill space runs"
-" substitutes runs of two or more space to a single space:
-" nmap ,ksr :%s/ */ /g
-" vmap ,ksr :s/ */ /g
- nmap ,ksr :%s/ \+/ /g
- vmap ,ksr :s/ \+/ /g
-" Why can't the removal of space runs be
-" an option of "text formatting"? *hrmpf*
-" ,Sel = "squeeze empty lines"
-" Convert blocks of empty lines (not even whitespace included)
-" into *one* empty line (within current visual):
- map ,Sel :g/^$/,/./-j
-" ,Sbl = "squeeze blank lines"
-" Convert all blocks of blank lines (containing whitespace only)
-" into *one* empty line (within current visual):
-" map ,Sbl :g/^\s*$/,/[^ <c-i>]/-j
-" map ,Sbl :g/^\s*$/,/[^ \t]/-j
- map ,Sbl :g/^\s*$/,/\S/-j
-" ===================================================================
-" Editing of email replies and Usenet followups - using autocommands
-" ===================================================================
-" Remove ALL auto-commands. This avoids having the
-" autocommands twice when the vimrc file is sourced again.
-" autocmd!
-" Let Vim identify itself when editing emails with Mutt:
-" au! BufNewFile mutt* let @"="X-Editor: Vim-".version." http://www.vim.org\n"|exe 'norm 1G}""P'
-" set the textwidth to 70 characters for replies (email&usenet)
-" au BufNewFile,BufRead .letter,mutt*,nn.*,snd.* set tw=78
-" Try to use the mapping ",D" when doing a followup.
-" autocmd BufNewFile ~/.followup ,D|
-" Part 3 - Change Quoting Level
-" ,dp = de-quote current inner paragraph
-" map ,dp {jma}kmb:'a,'bs/^> //<CR>
- map ,dp vip:s/^> //<CR>
- vmap ,dp :s/^> //<CR>
-" ,qp = quote current paragraph
-" jump to first inner line, mark with 'a';
-" jump to last inner line, mark with 'b';
-" then do the quoting as a substitution
-" on the line range "'a,'b":
-" map ,qp {jma}kmb:'a,'bs/^/> /<CR>
-" vim-5 now has selection of "inner" and "all"
-" of current text object - mapping commented!
-" ,qp = quote current paragraph (old version)
-" jump to first inner line, Visual,
-" jump to last inner line,
-" then do the quoting as a substitution:
-" map ,qp {jV}k:s/^/> /<CR>
-" ,qp = quote current inner paragraph (works since vim-5.0q)
-" select inner paragraph
-" then do the quoting as a substitution:
- map ,qp vip:s/^/> /<CR>
-" ,qp = quote current paragraph
-" just do the quoting as a substitution:
- vmap ,qp :s/^/> /<CR>