X-Git-Url: http://105106.c2e0p.group/pod.git/blobdiff_plain/48d790cd825addc90821e017955e37d3c0409d7b..aab1b7b71fb03a75a1031671a31fda2e5d0288fa:/_config.yml?ds=sidebyside

diff --git a/_config.yml b/_config.yml
index b60835d..21b323f 100644
--- a/_config.yml
+++ b/_config.yml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-title: RJS Pod
+title: Ruchi and Jer Explain Weird SF Politics to Scott
 author: Ruchi Jer & Scott
 email: pod@rjspod.live
 description: Ruchi & Jer explain stuff to Scott
@@ -10,12 +10,20 @@ theme: minima
   - jekyll-feed
+  - scope:
+      path: "sf"
+      type: "post"
+    values:
+      permalink: /:categories/episodes/:title/
 # Podcast Feed Settings
-  title:          "RJS SF Pod"
+  title:          "Ruchi and Jer Explain Weird SF Politics to Scott"
   email:          sf@rjspod.live
   description:    "Ruchi and Jer explain weird SF politics to Scott."
+  keywords:       Ruchi, Jer, Scott, San Francisco, SF, politics, SF politics, San Francisco politics, trash cans, YIMBY, NIMBY, paper straws
   url:            https://rjspod.live/sf
   lang:           en-us
-  author:         "RJS SF Pod"
+  author:         "Ruchi, Jer, and Scott"
   copyright:      "℗ & © 2022"