+ <item>
+ <title>Episode 2: AD17, Reply Guys, and the grand Unifying Theory of Dating in SF</title>
+ <link>https://rjspod.live/sf/episode1/</link>
+ <description>
+ Ruchi, Jer, and scott discuss the recent assembly election, the impact of social media on SF politics, and why dating in SF is so damned hard.
+ </description>
+ <guid isPermaLink="true">https://rjspod.live/sf/episode2/</guid>
+ <pubDate>Mon, 25 Apr 2022 02:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
+ <media:content
+ medium="audio"
+ url="https://archive.org/download/recording-1_postproductions_2022-04-24-t10-19-41pm-final-mix/recording-1_postproductions_2022-04-24-t10-19-41pm-final-mix.mp3"
+ type="audio/mpeg"
+ isDefault="true"
+ expression="full"
+ duration="4597">
+ <media:title type="plain">Episode 2: AD17, Reply Guys, and the grand Unifying Theory of Dating in SF</media:title>
+ <media:description>
+ Ruchi, Jer, and scott discuss the recent assembly election, the impact of social media on SF politics, and why dating in SF is so damned hard.
+ </media:description>
+ <media:rating scheme="urn:simple">adult</media:rating>
+ <media:thumbnail url="https://rjspod.live/RJS_pod.jpg"/>
+ <media:keywords>
+ sf, politics, education, dating
+ </media:keywords>
+ </media:content>
+ <enclosure url="https://archive.org/download/recording-1_postproductions_2022-04-24-t10-19-41pm-final-mix/recording-1_postproductions_2022-04-24-t10-19-41pm-final-mix.mp3" length="64364541" type="audio/mpeg"/>
+ <itunes:image href="http://rjspod.live/RJS_pod_1400x1400.jpg"/>
+ <itunes:explicit>clean</itunes:explicit>
+ <itunes:duration>1:16:37</itunes:duration>
+ </item>